Lions Gate Energy Insight

During a Reiki session with Cuddles today, at the peak of Lions Gate, I received this message from the Lion Realm and Cuddles, my Little Lion Man.

“This is a time for gentleness.

It is a time for gentleness; not fighting the changes, the shift, the feelings, the emotions that are coming up at this time but to sit quietly with them and to feel the strength in all those emotions that come with this time. To feel the strength within us, within all those emotions. The strength we have to flow, the strength we have to change and adapt to that change.

It is a time for us to realise, and be aware, of that gentle strength. Not the strength that comes with fighting, with resistance. That hinders change.

Soak yourself. Sit in the depths of the energy of this time, without any mind awareness but with a sensational awareness. The subtle sensory absorption.

Just allow that to come naturally; without looking for it, without externalising and searching, hoping for those sensations. Sit quietly with self and allow them to flow in, to you, rather than your energy flow out to meet it.

This is a time for shift to come to you. For you to keep yourself open and allow it to flow into, through, and shine from you. To radiate you from the inside, from deep inside, as those changes take shape as you form with this shift.

Power is not you. You are not power. You hold power. You have access to that. It doesn’t define you, it is a tool you have.

You have all these tools, at this time, within you: Essences of you.
These are not tools, or strengths, or superpowers that you will lose. You don’t lose them. You can forget where to access them. You can forget how to access them. You can forget why you need to access them, but they are there.

Remind yourself how to access your own true power, your own strength, through sitting gently and feeling it within you. Don’t wait to be triggered. Reconnect, often and deeply, with that deep, inner core strength. Feel it welling up from your Hara Centre. Feel it gently infiltrate your whole being, spreading, filling, empowering every channel through your physical body, emanating out into all your energy fields but feel it first fulfilling and purposefully strengthening, empowering your whole physical self as it soaks through every cell, every membrane, every energy channel throughout your whole physical self.”

Sit in the depths of the energy of this time, without any mind awareness but with a sensational awareness.
The subtle sensory absorption.
The Lion Realm and Cuddles

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